Saturday, November 13, 2010

For reference - Book lists for Uni Subjects

Possible list for 214 (Possible because Lecturer has retired and new list won't be confirmed for the new year). ETA - Possible list has now become the definite list thanks to the co-op bookshops book list which means I also have the list of books for COM 327 that also need to be read.
  •  Barnes, John, (1986, rpt 2000) The Penguin Henry Lawson Short Stories, Penguin.
  •  Clarke, Marcus, (1874, rpt 2002), His Natural Life Angus & Robertson.
  •  Hardy, Frank, (1950, rpt 2000), Power Without Glory Vintage.
  •  Kinsella, John, (2009) The New Penguin Anthology of Australian Poetry, Penguin
  •  Lord, Mary, (ed.) (2000 rev. ed.) The Penguin Best Australian Short Stories, Penguin.
  •  Stead, Christina, (1934. rpt 1999) Seven poor men of Sydney, Imprint ETT.
  •  White, Patrick, (1979, rpt 1995) The Twyborn affair, Vintage. 
COM 327 list

Shane Maloney - The Brush Off
Harvey Petak - American Splendor
Susan Orleans - The Orchid Thief
Miles Franklin - My Brilliant Career
Jane Austen - Pride an Prejudice

Probable list for 316

Title: Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales
Author: Andersen

Title: Peter Pan (Puffin Classics)
Author: Barrie

Title: Wizard Of Oz
Author: Baum, L Frank
Title: The Voyage of the "Dawn Treader"
Author: C.S. Lewis

Title: Alice's Adventures In Wonderland
Author: Carroll


Title: Breaktime: Dance On My Grave
Author: Chambers, Aidan

Title: Chocolate War
Author: Cormier

Title: Wolf
Author: Cross

Title: Charlie & The Chocolate Factory
Author: Dahl
Title: Dear Nobody
Author: Doherty

Title: Wind In The Willows
Author: Grahame, Kenneth

Title: Grimms' Fairy Tales
Author: Grimm Brothers

Title: King Solomon's Mines
Author: Haggard

Title: Love Ghosts & Nose Hair
Author: Herrick

Title: The Catcher In The Rye
Author: J D Salinger
Title: Playing Beatie Bow
Author: Ruth Park

Title: Coral Island
Author: R M Ballantyne

Title: Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry
Author: Taylor

Title: Hobbit ( Centenary Edition)
Author: Tolkien

Title: Seven Little Australians
Author: Turner

 For anyone interested - Bolded books I have.  Italicised books I have read/re-read over summer.  While i've read a heap of the childrens books it's been so long that re-reads of all are needed.

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